After last year's Super Mario Bros theme, I was hooked on the idea of finding a new family theme for Hallowe'en this year. After all, my kids are getting older and might start making plans of their own (God forbid). Honestly, I had a lot of pressure from my little Mario to go with the same costumes again. He hasn't gotten tired of being Mario yet, and he can still (barely) squeeze into that costume. However, when I saw the movie Pan, I knew I had found my new theme. Pan is the latest Hollywood version of the Peter Pan story. I fell in love with the look of the characters, their costumes and the way the movie was filmed.
First, I needed to decide who would be who.
There was no doubt in my mind that my oldest son would be Peter Pan. He is the perfect age right now, and is a leader to his brothers in this family. He would need a white tank top, suspenders, a sword and, of course, the Pan necklace.
Next, I decided that I would be Tiger Lily. This would be a challenge because her look is so intricate, and I doubted the Hallowe'en shops would be stocking her costume. I would buy what I could to get the project started, but I knew this would involve lots and lots of custom sewing!
Hugh Jackman was so outstanding in this film, so it was tempting to have my husband play Blackbeard. But seriously, after all the work Tiger Lily's costume was going to be, I would not have the time or money to tackle a Blackbeard costume! Besides, Hook is Tiger Lily's love interest, so Dave should be Hook! The key pieces for his costume would be the hat and jacket. He already brings the charm ;)
To simplify things, I decided that the younger boys would be Lost Boys. One would be dressed in pajamas, the other in day clothes.
I set out to buy all of the pieces that I could to minimize the amount of sewing I would have to do. Between secondhand shops, the mall and online stores, I managed to get most of the items that I would need. However, Tiger Lily would need a custom-made shirt and my nighttime Lost Boy would need a set of pajamas. I have never sewn anything like these before but felt up to the challenge. Check out the photos of the items that I was able to purchase! May I point out that I am wearing decorative hand towels and a placemat? Trust me... It's gonna work.... ;) Do you think I can pull it off?
In my next blog post, I will go through the process of constructing the custom pieces.