This summer, I took my three boys to Ontario for a month to visit family and friends. Although it was busy, and my husband wasn't there to help, I felt that it was important to get some great photographs of my parents: on their own, with me, and with my kids. It's funny how we get so caught up in our own lives, watching with amazement at how quickly our kids are growing and changing, then suddenly we realize that our parents, who have been constant in their appearance for such a long time, are changing as well. My dad turned 70 shortly before our trip. Wake up call: time is flying too fast!
Mom and Dad live in rural Ontario on a 3-acre property teeming with homegrown vegetables, fruits and flowers. It's an oasis to visitors, like me, who get to drop in during the summer months, harvest the bounty and soak up the solitude of country living. Yet, in reality, those gardens don't grow themselves, the grass needs regular trimming and the house would be overrun with spiders (and worse!) if there was a lapse in house-cleaning duties. And there is A LOT of house. Much more than two people need. Although my parents have no plans to move, realistically, my visits "home", to the house I grew up in, are going to come to an end sooner than later. Probably before I'm ready for it.
So, capturing portraits of my family at "home" has great meaning to me, and I will treasure these images now and forever.