Meet Tina. She is the one and only person who was NOMINATED for 30 Days of Gorgeous!
Of course I had to invite her to participate in 30 Days of Gorgeous! Tina's friend, Chantelle felt strongly that she deserved a beautiful makeover and photoshoot.
"I want to nominate my very close friend Tina Roe for this application.
Her beauty literally shines from her the inside out."
''She is a nurse and a single mother, who has raised incredible respectful boys into men and has never faltered.
Her beauty to me is defined by her loyalty, commitment, and unwavering ability to communicate openly and honestly with those she loves the most. She is sensitive and raw and her beauty can honestly be felt when she walks in a room.''
"Tina has been a nurse in the ICU at the Peter Lougheed hospital for 15 years.
She has raised her boys since they were 4 and 6 after her husband had an affair and left her.
Her boys are now 20 and 18 (I think) and they are honestly the most respectful, kind boys/men that you will ever meet.
What I admire the most about Tina is that through all the heartache and devastation of her husband's affair, Tina never spoke ill of her husband to the boys.
She was determined to never have their image of their dad tainted and therefore always spoke kindly about him and maintained a healthy relationship with him (even though he ended up living with the woman he had an affair with).
Consequently, the boys have an open, strong relationship with both their mom and their dad.
I think that this is huge! Tina is an excellent ICU nurse.
One that I have looked up to since we met 16 years ago.
She is knowledgeable, approachable, kind and calm.
Over the last couple years Tina has gone to seminars and group events to work with others and herself on how to become your best self and overcome the “stories” that both define us and hold us back.
She has dug deep and is discovering all the incredible potential that she has to offer to both herself and the world.
She is facing things head on and is on a new path of huge success and enlightenment.
This opportunity would be the perfect “icing or cherry on the cake!” And, in my opinion, it couldn’t be more deserved."
"I would say Tina feels the most beautiful when she is laughing, and/or listening to music. She loves to laugh and has the most beautiful freeing laugh you’ll ever hear. She adores music and everything that it represents...often allowing it to reach her soul and express her feelings in the truest sense."
"Tina is a strong woman who has taken this year on by the horns. She is committed to becoming her very best self and I can say that she is extremely proud to be a woman as, I believe, she optimizes determination, love, commitment, strength and vulnerability."
"I would love for Tina to participate in the 30 days of gorgeous as I honestly think she is the perfect candidate. You will be able to photograph a raw and real beauty that will light up your lens when photographed. She’s never done anything like this for herself and I think it’s time...time for her to shine and be seen for the real beauty that she is."
''time for her to shine and be seen for the real beauty that she is.''
You were right, Chantelle. Tina does deserve to be seen for the beautiful person that she is.
Shine on Tina!