Growing up, we all have our Christmas traditions. For me, one of my favourite traditions was the trimming of the tree. First of all, we always had a real tree. I have fond memories of hiking through the snow in the backyard, my dad hauling a large saw, to fell a tree that we had planted years earlier. Ahhh, the benefits of growing up in the country! We would have to clear out a corner of the living room and carefully secure the tree in its stand and fill the bottom with water. Then "the box" would come out. A treasure trove of memories from Christmases past: handmade ornaments crafted at school; crocheted angels that Mom made, beautiful ornaments that were purchased at church bazaars. So much yarn, glitter, spraypaint, googly eyes and hot glue!
So, it has always been my dream to amass a collection of unique ornaments for my own family tree. Over the years, I have made sure to have at least one photo ornament of each of the kids, plus a family one. Each year, when we get out "the box", it is filled with our changing faces. And, of course, the plethora of kid-crafted treasures. Googly eyes and broken pasta included! It is my favourite Christmas tradition!
What are your Christmas family traditions?