On the application for 30 Days of Gorgeous I asked a lot of questions. My goal was to have women answer with their own voice and personal stories. Thus, my favourite question is "Why do you want to participate in 30 Days of Gorgeous?". What I love about it, is that I get a unique story from each woman. The more vulnerable the response, the more I was interested in reading it, so I knew my readers would be as well.
I happen to be friends with the woman I am featuring this week. Kelly and I have kids who go to the same school. We see each other almost every day and have gone out to restaurants and morning runs together. I was already so honoured that she wanted to take part in this project, but I was doubly impressed when she dove in 100% and opened up about things we had never really talked about before. As busy moms, our conversations rarely have time to get that deep or personal. We might chat about the weather, upcoming school events, or our busy work schedule. But when I asked Kelly Why do you want to participate in 30 Days of Gorgeous?, this is what she said:
''To be honest, much of my life, I haven't felt very feminine due to my boxy figure and lack of attributes;) It always felt like I was an observer of others' beauty but when trying to look the part, it doesn't feel natural or authentic to me.''
Not that I am not comfortable with myself. I just don't see myself has being very feminine or possessing beautiful womanly physical traits. I would love to feel like I deserve the chance to try this.
I cried when What Not to Wear went off the air. I thought it might be my one chance to feel fashionable and know what to do with myself (ie grooming and dressing skills);) Just seeing what the potential might be and to help with empowering me and increasing my confidence."
I had already been touched by the impact that 30 Days of Gorgeous has had on the women who I had never met before. There was something extra special about my friend opening up like that. I really appreciated it, and I feel like I know a whole new side of Kelly.
Kelly's story:
"I am mom of two girls. My oldest seems to have taught herself hair and makeup as I am not very helpful in that department. In my job there is not much need to dress up, so hasn't been much incentive to try, and I don't make much of an effort on my appearance when going out. I would like to have a better idea on how to look more 'put together' and feel it too."
Kelly's idea of what being a woman means is about having a womanly shape. Being a self-described tomboy who has never really been curvy has made Kelly feel more masculine than feminine.
"[I] have had somewhat of a detachment from what it feels like to be a woman. I guess I attribute it to knowing how to put yourself together physically...hair, makeup, dressing....things I rarely feel comfortable doing. Also having the compassion and nurturing qualities of a mother. Despite wishing for equal opportunity, I think I subconsciously have expectations for me as a woman, that are sometimes gender specific (managing a household, but also hoping males may take a bigger role)."
"[Beauty means] having a glow, or radiance that stands out in a crowd. It can be with our without makeup. I do find I can see a lot of beauty in others from within, but more difficult to see more than the exterior when comparing my own beauty."
She said that she rarely feels beautiful. "Maybe a couple of times when I have been out to a formal event, but years ago." The things she loves about herself are all non-physical attributes:
"I try to be kind and compassionate and try not to take myself too seriously. I have a quirky sense of humour."
Her fears about being photographed are ones that I hear often. She feared that she wouldn't "feel like [her] authentic self", "that it won't look like [her]" and "that [she] won't feel beautiful in the photos".
This brings me to my second favourite part of the 30 Days of Gorgeous Project: dispelling fears. We had fun, we joked, we laughed! We gave Kelly a natural makeover that brought out her best features. Kelly looked and felt absolutely gorgeous, and has walked away with a set of stunning portraits that will remind her (and her daughters) that she is:
- Feminine
- Gorgeous
- Deserving
Thank you, my friend, for taking part in 30 Days of Gorgeous. You are truly beautiful, inside and out.