Calling all new moms out there!
Calling all new moms out there!
You will relate to this gal for sure.
I'm not exactly a "new mom" anymore, but my memory has not faded so much that I can't remember what it was like.
Persa is a new mom who is now appreciating all that "me time" she used to have.
Funny how our desires change when we enter motherhood.
When I still had infants in my house, I would gladly pass up a pair of diamond earrings for the unicorn-like trifecta of sleep + food + shower.
When I asked Persa when she feels the most beautiful, she said:
"I feel most beautiful when I get the chance to take some time and do my hair and makeup and put on a nice outfit.
As a new mom, pampering has fallen down the list of priorities.
''As a new mom, pampering has fallen down the list of priorities.''
Now, if I get a chance to shower it's been a good day.
You don't quite realize until you have a baby that you have 3 options during the day when the baby naps: either you eat, sleep or shower and sleeping usually wins.
That's why I appreciate days I get to do my hair and makeup because I don't just see unkempt hair and tired mommy eyes in the mirror."
I was so intrigued by the name 'Persa', I had never heard it before.
Persa is short for Persephone: the Queen of the Underworld from Greek mythology.
Now, the Persa I know is a queen, but there is nothing ominous about her.
She is a vibrant and engaging girl from B.C. I could talk with her all day long.
Anyone who references music lyrics has won my heart already. Her smile and positive attitude secured her good favour with me. This is what Persa had to say about beauty:
"Beauty means having not only a pleasing appearance, but having a good and kind heart.
It's important to present yourself in the best way possible in clothes and makeup that suit you but if you are rude and cold to people then you lose any "beauty" you think you have.
The best example of this is that old 90's song by the Northern Pikes, "She Ain't Pretty (She just looks that way)".
For all the expensive clothes and makeup and salon sessions anyone can buy to make themselves beautiful, if they don't have a good soul then it's all for naught.
But don't get me wrong a nice cat eye and big hair always rocks!"
We are definitely on the same page about our ideas of being a woman. She shared a favourite quote with me by William Golding:
"'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.'"
When Persa showed up on my doorstep for her session and I was meeting her for the first time, I instantly saw what she said she loves the most about herself. She said:
''I love my smile.''
"I love my smile. One life philosophy I have had since I was little was that smiles are free and that you can really brighten someones day with just a smile. I like to make people laugh and smile and leave them with a positive feeling. There is enough anger and hostility in the world and I just want to be the light in their day if I can."
Like many new moms, Persa expressed her fears about looking fat.
She did not "bounce back" while breastfeeding and was "struggling to deal with [her] new post-baby body".
Her hope was that this portrait would help her love the new Persa.
She saw the ad for 30 Days of Gorgeous and thought "it would be a great opportunity for me to do something nice for myself and have a beautiful memento [for] posterity. Like most new moms I put myself last on the list of things to get done in a day.
My husband works out of town during the week so it's just me and the baby and it takes so much out of me that I am so exhausted at the end of the day. (Don't forget those 3am wake times when baby wants to snuggle or nurse).
We live away from our family so help from friends is limited as they have been dealing with their own medical issues.
I want to take part in this because I would love to have the opportunity to do something nice for myself and also have a nice portrait to share with my daughter.
A nice picture she can have to remember what her mother looked like when she was young.
I always shy away from getting my picture taken because I'm never ready (ie no makeup on or my hair isn't done), but my husband always tells me to just get in the picture because in 10 years I'll wish I looked as good as I did then. So, here's my chance to get in front of the camera and feel gorgeous!"
I'm happy to say that Persa now has a beautiful portrait that will increase in value as her daughter grows. AND, she had a killer new profile picture for LinkedIn. Thank you, Persa, for brightening my day!